Product update: Set custom goals for your security and privacy programs

December 14, 2023

We're excited to share the latest update to Onwardly – Custom Goals. 🎯 Your feedback has been invaluable in shaping this new feature and its enhanced customisation capabilities for your security and privacy program.

Previously, Onwardly automatically calculated goals based on your organisation's size, providing a useful starting point for many users. However, we recognised the growing need for more flexibility and customisation to align with the unique requirements of each business.

What's new: Custom Goals

Now, with the option to customise your goals, you have the power to set security and privacy objectives at your desired level. This update allows you to tailor your goals to the specific needs of your organisation, offering a more personalised approach to building cyber resilience.

Key features:

  1. User-defined customisation: Easily set your own goals based on your organisation's priorities and risk tolerance. Whether you aim for a higher level of data protection, enhanced threat detection, or other specific security measures, the Custom Goals feature in Onwardly empowers you to take control.
  2. Real-time notifications: Onwardly integrated with Jira, Microsoft Teams and Slack, notifying you when your set goal is achieved. Celebrate as a team when you reach your next security and privacy milestone.
  3. Periodic goal reassessment: It's easier than ever to accurately track progress on your cyber resilience journey. The Custom Goals feature encourages you to revisit your goals periodically, either annually, quarterly, or whenever there's a significant change in your business. Keep your goals aligned with your evolving needs, so that you can ensure continued protection and stronger resilience.

Your security, your control:

At Onwardly, we're actively working on features that are customisable to each organisation. Custom Goals mark a significant step forward in providing our customers with the tools to make progress on cyber resilience in an achievable and accessible way.

We look forward to hearing the innovative ways that you use the Custom Goals feature to enhance your cyber resilience.

Interested in seeing this feature in action? Head to your security program now, or if you're not yet an Onwardly customer, start a free trial now.

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Winner of 2021 iSANZ Best Startup

"We wanted a solution that was fit for purpose, reflecting our age and stage, while delivering the outcomes we wanted for our customers and people. After looking at what was available, Onwardly stood out as serving this purpose perfectly."

Kendall Flutey

Founder & CEO